2009. november 28., szombat

"RETRO-FUTURE"...Jövőkép a múltban 4.

Figyelem...tegnapihoz adalékok...

Automation Scare in a Bakery
"During the "automation scare" of the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was great fear that new technology would cause large-scale unemployment. This video excerpt, narrated by Edward R. Murrow, describes the scare at a bakery. "

A gépeket kell eldobni vagy AZ EGÉSZ RENDSZERT ( a monetarizmus, vadklapitalizmust)?

Persze hogy az utóbbit!


"Maximum Automation - The End of Market"

Mi lesz a sok elbocsájtás és multináci- és kúrmány- geciskedés miatt?:

Pézrendszert dönt majd a munkanélküliek magas száma?

A munkanélküliség visszafordíthatatlan(ná válik)
Unemployment is Irreversible

"Michael Moore: What We're Seeing is the End of Capitalism"
De még mennyire hogy vége lesz!Minél előbb!De nem zsidókommunizmus lesz utána,hanem végre egy emberibb világ,ha addig túléljük a mostani qrmányt!
("These guys, for all that stuff they've been telling us all these years about, 'Go capitalism! Free market! Free enterprise!' They don't believe in any of that. They don't believe in free enterprise or free market. They want socialism for themselves. They want a handout and a net for themselves. To hell with everybody else, but give it to them. And I think, really, what we're seeing now -- with them, with the banks -- we're seeing the end of capitalism. The end of capitalism as we know it and I say good riddance. It hasn't helped the people or the planet." -- Michael Moore on Larry King Live, Wednesday, November 19th, 2008)

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