2010. augusztus 31., kedd



"Mariah Carey - Without you kicsit másképp. Ő azért nem lesz akkora sztár mint Szarka Laci. :) A hivatkozott külföldi előadás linkje:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ3A8wWb74Q"De Ő a MAGYAR KenLi ;-)

HEHEH!És a MAriah CArey-t egy francia tvsó-ban szembesítik a KenLi-nővel!Kemény:

"Here's Mariah's reaction after seeing the rendition of ''Without You'' called ''Ken Lee'' from Bulgarian Music Idol performed by Valentina Hasan during an interview at a french show called '' Le Grand Journal '' .

For those who don't understand french they just explained her that this was from a music competition in Bulgaria. After the video she said that everybody that has the courage to sing in television deserves applause."(2008as)

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